Pest Control FAQs: Ensuring Safety and Comfort

We understand that engaging in pest control services often comes with a plethora of inquiries and potential concerns. Rest assured, our primary goal is to not only eliminate any troublesome pests but also to ensure that your experience with us is both enlightening and enjoyable. Please feel free to peruse the following frequently asked questions regarding our pest control treatments. Let us embark on this informative journey.

1. Is it necessary to turn off my air conditioning during pest control services?

Absolutely not! We prioritise your comfort throughout our services. You may continue to operate your air conditioning system during our treatment process. Our methodologies are designed to be effective irrespective of whether your air conditioning is active. Thus, while you remain comfortable, we will efficiently manage the pest situation.

2. Do the chemicals used in pest control adversely affect my air conditioning system?

Your air conditioning system's efficiency will remain unaffected by our pest control treatments. Air conditioners function by filtering and recirculating indoor air. The chemicals we employ externally will not impact this process or compromise the air quality within your residence. You can confidently enjoy the benefits of your air conditioning system during and after our pest control services.

3. What steps can be taken to prevent pests from entering through the air conditioning system?

Preventing the ingress of pests via your air conditioning system can be achieved with some simple measures. It is crucial to seal all potential entry points around the air conditioner, including gaps around pipes and vents. Regular maintenance of your air conditioning system can also aid in identifying and resolving any pest-related issues. We are committed to assisting you in maintaining a pest-free environment.

4. Why is it advised to avoid the treated area for a certain period post-treatment?

Our foremost concern is your safety. The chemicals we utilize are particularly potent when wet, hence we advise all occupants, especially pets and young children, to avoid the treated area for at least 2 hours post-treatment. This precaution ensures the chemicals have ample time to dry and adhere to surfaces, safeguarding the well-being of you and your family.

5. Why should doors and windows be closed during the treatment?

Closing doors and windows during the treatment is a vital safety measure. As we apply a liquid chemical solution externally, keeping doors and windows closed prevents the chemical from inadvertently entering your living space. This action helps maintain a protective barrier between your home and the external environment while we conduct our pest control activities.

6. Why is it recommended to remove clothes from outdoor lines during treatment?

Your comfort and safety are paramount. Clothing in direct contact with your skin should not be exposed to pest control chemicals. If clothes are present on outdoor lines during treatment, our technicians will carefully avoid those areas to prevent any chemical contact with your garments.

7. What precautions should be taken for pets during the treatment?

The safety of your pets is equally important to us. While our chemicals are generally safe for pets, we advise keeping them away from the treated area until the chemicals have fully dried. This measure reduces the likelihood of pets encountering wet chemicals, thus ensuring their safety.

8. Does the pest control treatment impact neighbors, and is notification required?

Our pest control services are strictly confined to your property, ensuring no impact on neighboring properties. Whether to inform your neighbors about the treatment is at your discretion.


We trust that these FAQs have addressed your queries. Should you require further information or have additional questions about our pest control services, do not hesitate to contact our team. Together, let us continue to foster a positive atmosphere and effectively manage pest-related issues.